Lesson Plan
Features of a Road Environment
Road safety is not instinctive or automatic. Children need to develop the road safety knowledge and skills to cope with traffic and roads.
In this lesson, students learn about road environment features, create their own streetscapes, and develop their vocabulary and understanding of roads to be built upon in future road safety lessons.
This lesson supports:
- Identify people and actions that help keep themselves safe and healthy (VCHPEP059)
- Identify actions that promote health, safety and wellbeing (VCHPEP062)
Download the lesson plan in the link above.
Recommended Resources

Roads and Hazards
In this lesson students identify hazards around roads and think about ways that they can stay safe.
Roads and Hazards
In this lesson students identify hazards around roads and think about ways that they can stay safe.

Starting out Safely
Starting out Safely is Victoria’s early childhood road safety education program.
Starting out Safely
Starting out Safely is Victoria’s early childhood road safety education program.

Bike Ed
The Bike Ed program is a program that gives children and adults the opportunity to learn about safe riding behaviours; road rules and riding in a shared environment.
Bike Ed
The Bike Ed program is a program that gives children and adults the opportunity to learn about safe riding behaviours; road rules and riding in a shared environment.

Click Clack
Click Clack is an engaging story that will help children learn about staying safe as a passenger.
Click Clack
Click Clack is an engaging story that will help children learn about staying safe as a passenger.

Meet Graham
Graham is a lifelike figure depicting what we might look like if we were built to survive on our roads.
Meet Graham
Graham is a lifelike figure depicting what we might look like if we were built to survive on our roads.

Public Transport Teachers Hub
The public transport teachers hub is a hub for teachers focusing on public transport.
Public Transport Teachers Hub
The public transport teachers hub is a hub for teachers focusing on public transport.

Rules and Choices
In this lesson, students discuss rules that apply to pedestrians and cyclists, and consider choices that they may need to make around roads.
Rules and Choices
In this lesson, students discuss rules that apply to pedestrians and cyclists, and consider choices that they may need to make around roads.

Cars and Safety
In this lesson, students discover vehicle safety features of cars, learn about the ‘safety door’, and being a safe passenger.
Cars and Safety
In this lesson, students discover vehicle safety features of cars, learn about the ‘safety door’, and being a safe passenger.